So....we bought a house! It all started in the spring when the Hubs and I started talking about putting our house on the market. We thought it was a long shot since we were somewhat upside down on our house. But, the market made a huge turn for the better in our parts and we thought maybe just maybe we could sell it. About a month before we were going to put it on the market, we were at church and a friend of mine from our life group said that a couple that used to be in our life group was moving back to our area. They were specifically looking in our neighborhood, basically on our street. Our street is in one city and in the school district of another. We knew that this was probably the one thing that would sell our house since we were in a very desirable school district and you can't buy a house in said school district for the price of our house. So we had that going for us. So long story short, I facebooked them, they came and looked at the house and a week later we had a contract. We basically came out even, almost to the dollar. We were over the moon to not be out any money. That being said, we knew we wanted to be in a more established neighborhood so we could have a little bit of built in equity. Plus we wanted trees and character and neighbors that feel like family and a lifestyle that goes along with that. So without further a do, here she is....
We have big plans for this house. It may be 10 years before it's all done but that's ok. When we first found the house, I fell in love with 2 things. The space and the neighbohood. We have three big trees in our front yard, almost 1/2 an acre, almost 2600 sq feet, walking distance to one of the best schools in town and loads of potential!! We haven't moved in yet but hope to be in a month from now. We are scraping popcorn, painting and building walls. Once that is done, we will move in. Can't wait to share more and chronicle some of the process. For now, here are some pics of the vision I have for the outside. I can't wait to paint the outside of this thing!