Just bought these beauties for NYE! Say a prayer that I don't eat some gravel and that I can look somewhat graceful while I am sporting these babies!

Can't wait for our New Year's Eve weekend!!!! Didn't I tell you? Little Miss Malone is going to spend her first full weekend away from us. Sure, she has spent the night at my Mom's several times but it has always just been one night and we were there to get her first thing in the morning. We probably would have just done this again but one of my best friends in the whole wide world and her boyfriend are coming to town. They have all kinds of fun things planned and wanted to know if we were in. Lulu and Pops (Cal's parents) would love to have Malone for the weekend so we thought this would be the perfect time. I am sure Lulu has all kinds of fun things planned for her. I know she will be taken care of but I just don't want her to think we have abandoned her! The Hubs and I have mixed feelings about it. Although we are super sad about our little girl being gone and will miss her terribly (I am sure I will have a minor breakdown, freak out, crying session about mid-day on Saturday) we are super pumped about all of our fun weekend plans. I will let you know how it goes!

One of my best friends in the whole wide world!

You guys have a blast and tell Miss Stacey hi for me!